마이크로 세이키 사의 DQX-500 전원부 분리형 턴테이블 입니다.(ending)
일본 턴테이블 명가 마이크로세이키 사의 DQX-500 턴테이블 입니다. 최초로 보급형으로 출시된 제품중 전원부가
분리되어 있는 일명 멧돌방식의 다이렉트쿼츠 턴테이블 입니다. 전원부를 분리함으로서 진동의 안정감과 내부의
내구성을 조금더 높여놓았다고 알려져 있기도한 모델인데. 실제로 비슷한 가격대의 턴테이블과 비교청취시
조금더 밀도감이높고 해상력이 풍부한 음색을 들려주는 제품입니다. 오리지널 전원부에 톤암은 제치 MA-707
톤암이 채용되어 있습니다. 전원100V 이며 당연히 럼블이나 험 없고 작동완벽을 자랑합니다.
The DQX-500 is a direct result of our many years of experience in producing turntables and we think that it gives full rein both to this experience and to the basic design that we adopt for out models.
Drive system: direct drive
Motor: quartz locked PLL DC servo motor
Speeds: 33.33 and 45rpm
Platter: 35cm aluminium die-cast
Wow and flutter: less than 0.02%
Signal to noise ratio: more than 63dB
Tonearm: MA 707 Dynamic balance
Effective length: 237mm
Overhang: 15mm
Usable cartridge weight: 4-12g
VTF adjustment: 0-3g
Dimensions: 410 x 350 x 139mm
Weight: 7.0kg
In sum, this Micro Seiki DQX-500 turntable has obviously been designed with the hi-fi enthusiast in mind. The ordinary record collector will miss such features as auto-stop, speed adjustment (perhaps) and a cabinet - though a moulded, clear plastic dust cover is provided. However the hi-fi man will find that the unit does constitute a rock steady playing platform with almost zero wow and very low noise (rumble and hum are both extremely low). The arm is of excellent design. slightly favouring the present vogue for moving-coil cartridges. The price, though on the high side, corresponds with that of the competition when the combination of a quartz locked direct-drive motor and a respectable pickup arm is borne in mind - £299 Gramophone October 1979