보기드믄 Sansui 산수이 명기 최상급 TU-9900 아날로그 튜너 입니다.(ending)
정말 보기드믄 산수이 사의 TU-9900 아날로그 대형 튜너입니다. 산수이 계열중 손꼽히는 명기튜너이며
숨은 병기로서도 잘알려져 있으며 TU-919 튜너만큼 보기힘들고 구하기힘든 기종입니다 생김새부터 고급기
임을 강조한 제품으로서 일반적인 TU 시리즈의 약간은 보급형적인 마감보단 고급마감 으로서 노브나 내부
표면이 확실히 좋으며 소리역시 음색 감도 수신률 최고에 속하는 튜너인듯합니다. 개인적인 취향이지만
여지것 들어본 튜너중 가장 선호했던 제품으로서 4년만에 다시보는 튜너 입니다. 그만큼 매물이 없고 귀한
제품으로 생각합니다 사진과 같이 내/외관 상태 A급 이상 수준으로 깨끗하며 전원110~240V 겸용이며
현재 220v 에 맞춰져 있습니다 부가기능이 꽤나 많이 지원되며 가변 입력단자 역시 여러종류로 지원됩니다
동축형안테나 가능하며 일반선 안테나 모두쓸수 있습니다 앞면 녹턴형 으로서 시그널창이 매혹적이며
어중간한 튜너보다 실력있는 고급기로 생각됩니다
Kenwood 600T and 650T(late 1970's)
- predecessor of the KT-917
- used can cost $500+
- 8 gang front end
- 12 element IF (3 4-pin 4-staged filters), so difficult to modify since 3 pin ceramics not used
- double balanced mixer minimizes harmonics and spurs
- 650T said to be identical to the 600T, but w/ a bronze face. Rare!
Kenwood KT-917 (1980-1982)
- list price new was $1100; used can still cost $500-$750
- 9 gang front end
- excellent signal/noise ratio
- double balanced mixer minimizes harmonics and spurs
- 3 IF settings; deviation/multipath meter along
- difficult to modify IF section, as it uses 4 pin filters, not "traditional" 3 pin ones
- read a more detailed review
Kenwood KT-8300 (and KT-9900) (late 1970's)
- 6 gang tuner, it rates well w/ the KT-815 and KT-7500
- 5 IF filters, but difficult to modify the IF due to 4 pin filters
- sells for $175 - $250 used
- KT-9900 said to be a bronze-faced European version of the KT-8300; one KT-9900 seen on eBay 5/2002
Sansui TU-X1 (1980)
- rated "better than the TX-9800 but worse than the KT-917" by one user
- sold for ~$1000 new, can be found for $750+, though rare and sometimes for more money
- was meant to compete with the KT-917
- heavy (40 lbs)
Yamaha T-85 (digital model from 1986-1989)
- 9 gang front end, so overload resistant
- 5 (or more?) IF filters
- recommended by several DX'ers due to it's overload rejection capability
- digital tuner, has fine tuning in .01 MHz steps
- see some of the T-85's specs
Kenwood KT-1100 (non-USA overseas, 1984) thanks to Peter Körner for the info
- 5 gangs on FM, 3 gangs for AM
- 4 IF filters (2 in "wide", all 4 in "narrow" mode) appear easy to modify
- Peter ranked this tuner equal to the KT-917 in some respects, but noted some treble "smearing" when compared to the KT-917
- Peter also ranked this tuner better than the KT-1100SD in most measurements
- Read more about the KT-1100
Kenwood KT-1100SD (around 1985) thanks to Peter Körner for the info below
- was not sold in the USA (only overseas)
- 5 gang varicap quartz synthesizer, tunes in 50 kHz steps
- 4 different IF selectable selectivities
- 5 ceramic IF filters all 180kHz, easily modifiable.
- muting while tuning can be disabled, and "flywheel" tuning can be achieved with a mod.
Kenwood KT-7500
- 5 gangs, 5 IF filters
- $80-$120 on eBay unmodified
Kenwood KT-8005 (~1973) thanks to Peter Körner for the info
- 5 gang tuning capacitor
- two (or 4??) metal cased dual (four staged) IF filters (traditional ceramic filters are 2 staged)
Kenwood KT-815 and KT-8155 (circa ~1980)
- 5 gang front end
- 4 IF filters - standard 3 pin IF section, so easier to modify
- I recommend it - it outperforms my Onkyo T-9090II in most aspects
- remove 300 W balun on circuit board in rear near the 300W antenna jack to get an extra 2 dB of sensitivity
- generally $150 or less used; KT-8155 was a black faced version, perhaps only sold overseas?
MITSUBISHI DA-F20 (early 1980's)
- $60-$130 used
- one long-time TX-9500 user reported this tuner is now his primary tuner due to it's better sensitivity
- Digital readout, presumed to be from around 1981 or 1982
- Wide/narrow IF settings with separate IF paths
Onkyo T-4711 (1990's)
- Digital tuner offered in black (standard) and goldish-silver face; tunes in 25 KHz steps
- Has a tuning knob, rare for a digital tuner and nice to use; 40 presets; remote-control required for switching between A and B antenna
- RDS capability - very handy for DX'ers
- 6 IF filters (wide/narrow option)
- the circuit board is nicely laid out and easy to read
- IF mods are more difficult than most (back panel must be removed, and lots of plastic locks and a few screws on the board itself)
- my T-4711 is slightly more sensitive than my T-9090II
- more presets, RDS, better sensitivity, and the tuning knob make the T-4711 much prefered over my T-9090II.
- seen on eBay ranging from $200 - $350
- view Onkyo's overview of this tuner
Onkyo T-9090II (1988-1991) and T-9090 (1984-1988)
- digital tuning in small increments (.025), 20 presets
- Good out-of-the-box performance w/o IF mods (comes by default with multiple 150KHz filters in super-narrow mode); IF easy to modify further
- separate IF paths for wide and super narrow modes
- $250-$500 used
- Note that the T-9090 is almost identical, but larger .2 MHz tuning steps, and only 1 antenna input
- View Todd Emslie's review
Pioneer F-28
- 5 gangs, 4 IF filters w/ wide/narrow option
- very little DX'er input at this point - might be a better performer than this
Pioneer TX-9100 (1973-1975)
- 5 gangs and 4 filters
- $100-$200 range common
- well liked, good specs, and a decent AM section
- difficult to IF modify due to board layout
Pioneer TX-9500 (and TX-9500II ) (1976-1979)
- similar recommendations as the TX-9800; 9500 is more common on eBay, sells for $100-$175.
- 9500 is easily modified; one user said it was difficult to modify but it's unclear as to if it's certain production runs, the 9500II, or just the opinion of that one DX'er. :)
- 5 gangs, 9500 has 4 filters, 9500II has 5 filters and a unique filter (used in wide mode??)
Pioneer TX-9800 (1979-1981)
- recommended my numerous DX'ers; 5 gangs and 5 IF filters
- IF modifications are fairly easy, though a few filters are situated next to a metal support bar, making for difficult access
- my TX-9800 has slightly worse image rejection than the KT-815, but I've yet to tune-up the front-end
- fairly "common", nice used units range from $200-$300; modified units can cost more; units with minor cosmetic problems, burned out lights, etc, can be found for $125-$200.
Sansui TU-919 (1979-1981)
- has both a digital readout and analog dial
- 5 gang front-end
- very frequently available on eBay - despite this prices have ranged from $250 to an extremely overpriced $600
Sansui TU-719 (late 1970's)
- 4 IF filters, 4 gang front end
- similar to the TU-717, but one DX'er rated it better out of the box than the 717
Sansui TU-9900 (mid 1970's)
- 5 gangs; wide/narrow IF switch
- doesn't use traditional 3 pin ceramic IF filters, so difficult to enhance selectivity
- units in very good condition can sell for $300-$550
Technics ST-9030 (1978)
- FM-only tuner with an 8 gang front end and 5 IF filters
- easy to IF modify
- has phenominal image rejection
- very nice to operate, very smooth tuning and a large analog display
- almost as sensitive as my T-9090II and almost as selective post modification; slightly less sensitive than my KT-815, but an alignment made it very close
- sells for $150-$200 stock, $300+ when modified
Yamaha TX-1000 and TX-1000/U
- Digital tuner, seen on eBay for $225-$325; sold for $550-$600 new
- Not much DX'er input, but has specs comparable to the T-85
- More info to come...