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아주귀한 PARTRIDGE 파드리지 973A Type MC 승압트렌스 입니다.(ending)

종합전자 2013. 5. 31. 14:46


영국 최고의 트렌스포머 회사인 파드리지 사의 973A 타입 MC 승압트렌스 입니다. 가장 초기모델중 한제품에


속하며 초기형 SPU카드릿지와 베스트매칭으로 잘알려져 있습니다. 또한 가격대비 이만한 소리를 내주기도


흔치않으며 승압트렌스에 의하여 턴테이블을 교체한 느낌까지 받을수 있는 효과가 있습니다. 사진과 같이 우드수납


제작으로 만들어졌으며 실드처리 잘되어 있습니다. 험없고 접지이상없이 작동잘됩니다. 



This sale is for a  matched pair of  Partridge moving coil , 941  step up transformers for moving coil cartridges.

These are very high gain types, and are much harder to find than  977 / 973 types.

These are simply the finest m.c. step up transformers you can buy, with a step up of  .... 50  to 1 ....they are very useful with low output mc's ....For cartridges with outputs of around 100 uV,  these transformers will step up to around  5.0  mV

Perfect partner with Ortofon SPU / MC2000  and other very low output m/c cartridges.

You can use these to connect your low output moving coil, direct into a moving magnet phono input with great results.

You will receive 2 identical transformers.

  • Partridge vintage quality.
  • 1950s British made.
  • Type 941.
  • 50 : 1 step up ratio.
  • 1 ohms input DC resistance.... 30 ohms impedance.
  • 1100 ohms output DC resistance.....50k ohms impedance.
  • Flat frequency response, across audiable range.
  • Mu-metal core.
  • Shielded, screened metal can enclosure.
  • Perfect for Ortofon SPU / MC2000.
  • Mounting brackets.

Partridge have a great reputation, from over 50 years of making the finest audio transformers, they truely are the best products.

The transformers have a very flat frequency response across the entire audio bandwidth....they are in perfect working order, and will sound fantastic.

I also have other Partridge M.C. transformers, available in......6 :1 10:1,  12:1,  16:1,  25:1  and  50: 1  ratios.

Please ask for price / specifications. 

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